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发布时间:2021-04-16 09:45 点击:


415日下午,教育部职业院校外语类专业教学指导委员会秘书长,山东外贸职业学院公共英语部主任崔卫一行5人来应用外语学院交流。我院党政负责人章国军、副院长黄奕云在第二实训楼B802-1热情接待了崔卫一行。On the afternoon of April 15th, Cui Wei, Secretary-General of the Teaching Steering Committee of Foreign Language Majors in Vocational Colleges of the Ministry of Education and Director of Public English Department of Shandong Foreign Trade Vocational College, and his party came to the school of Applied Foreign Languages for exchange. Zhang Guojun, head of the Party and Administration of our school and Huang Yiyun, vice dean, warmly received Cui Wei and his party in B802-1, the second training building.


大英教研室韩跃陪同参加了交流会。(图文/应用外语学院 舒立志 程雅婧)At the meeting, Zhang Guojun introduced the basic situation, specialty construction, English teaching reform, innovation of talent training mode, etc. Cui Wei introduced the basic situation of Shandong Vocational College of Foreign Trade and the related situation of Public English Department. Shu Lizhi, Director of College English Teaching and Research Section, introduced the teaching reform and curriculum ideological and political related contents of College English Teaching and Research Section. Subsequently, the two sides conducted in-depth discussions on related issues, and gained many useful inspirations and opinions in the exchanges.
Han Yue from the College English Teaching and Research Section attended the exchange meeting. (Shu Liz-hi/ Cheng Yajing  from School of Applied Foreign Languages)