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发布时间:2020-12-10 14:59 点击:


12月8日下午,我校与广东金融学院商务英语联合培养本科班全体同学在班主任应用外语学院迟雯老师和欧洁老师的带领下到广东金融学院进行观摩学习。广东金融学院外国语言与文化学院书记黄晓莉、院长黄中习、副院长孙智慧热情地接待了联培本科班的同学们。On the afternoon of December 8th, all the students in the undergraduate class of Business English,jointly trained by our school and GDUF, went to GDUF to observe and study under the leadership of their headteacher (class teacher,headmaster) Mrs Chi Wen and Mrs Ou Jie from the School of Applied Foreign Languages. Huang Xiaoli, secretary of the School of Foreign Languages and Cultures of GDUF , Huang Zhongxi, president(director,dean,head) and Sun Zhihui, vice president, warmly received the students of Lianpei (jointly trained) undergraduate class.

本次活动分为“参观广州货币金融博物馆第十五届模拟广交会观摩学习两部分。首先,同学们分批先后参观了古代货币和现代货币两个展区,认真倾听导游对馆内货币介绍,穿越时空隧道,领略货币文化。从古代货币展区,同学们了解到中外货币文化的悠久历史和丰富内涵,提高了同学们认识货币、辨别货币及研究货币的兴趣。随后,同学们来到热闹的青年文化广场,参加第十五届模拟广交会活动。同学们作为采购商,手持1万美元虚拟货币来到各个摊位咨询采购商品,用英语流畅地交流洽谈。此次模拟广交会给同学们一个亲身体验的机会,询价和议价的过程也帮助同学们将国贸知识运用到实践中,提升英语口语表达能力。This activity is divided into two parts: "Visit Guangzhou Monetary and Financial Museum" and "Observe and learn from the 15th Simulated Canton Fair". First of all, the students visited the two exhibition areas of ancient currencies and modern currencies in batches, listened carefully to the guide's introduction to the currencies in the museum, and crossed time tunnel to appreciate the currency culture. From the ancient currency exhibition area, students learned about the long history and rich connotation of Chinese and foreign currency culture, which enhanced students' interest in understanding, distinguishing and studying currencies. Later, the students came to the lively Youth Culture Square to participate in the 15th simulated Canton Fair. As buyers, the students came to each booth with $10,000 in virtual currency to consult and purchase goods, and communicated and negotiated smoothly in English. This simulated Canton Fair will give students a chance to experience it personally, and the inquiry and bargaining process will also help students apply their knowledge of international trade to practice and improve their oral English skills.

通过此次活动,加强了广金融和广轻两校商务英语本科班同学的交流学习,让同学们进一步地了解广金融。联培班的同学们纷纷表示自己收获颇丰,受益匪浅。(图文/应用外语学院)Through this activity, the exchange and study of students in business English undergraduate classes of GDUF and GDIP were strengthened, so that students could have a better understanding of Guangzhou University of Finance. The students of Lianpei class have said that they have gained a lot and benefited a lot. (School of Applied Foreign Languages)