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发布时间:2021-05-13 10:43 点击:

为了完善2021级人才培养方案,健全德技并修、工学结合育人机制,做好专业群建设,深入了解企业对外语类人才的岗位能力及素质要求,5月6-7日,外语学院院长章国军、副院长黄奕云、学校教学督导张欢教授一行到合作企业:广州领航者信息科技有限公司、广州市卡贝路贸易有限公司调研。On May 6-7, Zhang Guojun, Dean of the School of Applied Foreign Languages, Huang Yiyun, Vice Dean of the School of Applied Foreign Languages, and Professor Zhang Huan, the college’s teaching supervisor, visited the cooperative enterprises: Guangzhou Pilot Information Technology Co., Ltd. and Guangzhou Kabeilu Trading Co., Ltd. in order to improve the 2021-class talent training program, improve the education mechanism of combining morality and technology with work and study, and do a good job in building professional groups.

广州领航者信息科技有限公司总经理、广州番禺网商联合会秘书长孙国广详细介绍了跨境电商发展情况、平台运营操作要求、工作岗位职责、企业员工职业资格与能力要求等。双方就校企合作育人、教材开发、实训课程安排、人才培养方案修订等方面展开深入交流。Sun Guoguang, General Manager of Guangzhou Pilot Information Technology Co., Ltd. and Secretary General of Guangzhou Panyu Network Business Federation, introduced in detail the development of cross-border e-commerce, platform operation requirements, job responsibilities, professional qualifications and ability requirements of enterprise employees, etc. The two sides conducted in-depth exchanges on school-enterprise cooperation in educating people, developing teaching materials, arranging practical training courses, and revising talent training programs.

广州市卡贝路贸易有限公司公司人力资源总监赵胜芳女士详细介绍了广轻毕业生的工作情况。近年来,公司累计录用我校毕业生80余名,其中,多名毕业生已升任公司业务主管,或者成长为公司优秀业务员,短时间内实现月薪过万甚至数万,表现极为优秀。Ms. Zhao Shengfang, Director of Human Resources of Guangzhou Kabeilu Trading Co., Ltd., introduced the work of Guangqing graduates in detail. In recent years, the company has employed more than 80 graduates from our college in total, among which many graduates have been promoted to business directors or grown into excellent salesmen, with a monthly salary of over 10,000 or even tens of thousands in a short period of time, showing excellent performance.

章国军一行参观了公司的工作环境,看望在那里工作的我院毕业生,并就今后进一步实现校企深度合作提出了要求。与会的毕业生代表一一发言,对学院领导和老师们的到来表示欢迎,分享了各自在公司的成长历程,并对学院的专业课程设置、核心能力培养等提出了合理化建议。张欢督导以及外语学院二级督导巡查顶岗实习学生。Zhang Guojun and his party visited the working environment of the company, visited the graduates of our college who worked there, and put forward requirements for further realizing the deep cooperation between schools and enterprises in the future. The graduates' representatives who attended the meeting spoke one by one, welcomed the leaders and teachers of the college, shared their growth process in the company, and put forward reasonable suggestions on the professional curriculum and core competence training of the college. The supervisor  Zhang Huan and the second-level supervisor of Applied Foreign Languages  inspect the internship students.

商英教研室主任项伟峰、国际商务教研室主任黎云莺、商务外语教研室主任张韬、应英教研室主任周建鹏等老师陪同参加了本次调研。(图文/应用外语学院 周建鹏 谢成丽 程雅婧)Xiang Weifeng, director of Business English Teaching and Research Section, Li Yunying, director of International Business Teaching and Research Section,Zhang Tao, director of Business Foreign Languages Teaching and Research Section, and Zhou Jianpeng, director of Applied English Teaching and Research Section, attended the survey.