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发布时间:2021-05-06 14:12 点击:

5月5日,为缅怀革命先烈丰功伟绩,继承和发扬革命先辈遗志,增强历史使命感和责任感,应用外语学院党总支组织党员干部到广州起义烈士陵园开展校外党史学习教育。外语学院党总支书记周延辉、院长章国军及教工党员代表参观烈士陵园,缅怀革命英烈,学习英雄先进事迹,重温党的光辉历程,赓续我们党铸就的伟大精神。On May 5th, in order to remember the great achievements of the revolutionary martyrs, inherit and carry forward the legacy of the revolutionary ancestors, and enhance the sense of historical mission and responsibility, the General Party Branch of the School of Applied Foreign Languages organized party members and cadres to go to the Guangzhou Uprising Martyrs Cemetery to carry out off-campus party history study and education activities. Zhou Yanhui, secretary of General Party Branch, Zhang Guojun, dean of the school , and representatives of faculty members visited the Martyrs Cemetery to cherish the memory of revolutionary heroes, learn advanced deeds of heroes, relive the glorious course of the Party, and carry forward the great spirit created by our Party.

从正门进入,来到“庆祝中国共产党成立100周年”纪念牌前,全体党员干部胸佩党徽,整齐列队,庄重肃立。党总支书记周延辉致辞,他讲述了广州起义的历史,指出广州起义充分展现了中国共产党和中国工人阶级的坚强意志和不怕牺牲的英雄气概。红色政权来之不易、新中国来之不易、中国特色社会主义来之不易,大家要铭记先烈们的丰功伟绩,继承先烈遗志。他希望各位教师党员能够全面落实立德树人根本任务,坚持为党育人、为国育才,让红色基因、革命薪火代代相传。随后,在他的带领下,全体党员用铿锵有力地声音齐声诵读:“学史明理,学史增信,学史崇德,学史力行”。Entering from the main entrance and coming to the memorial plaque of "Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China", all the party members and cadres wore the party emblem, lined up neatly and stood solemnly. Zhou Yanhui, secretary of the General Party  Branch, delivered a speech, telling the history of Guangzhou Uprising, pointing out that Guangzhou Uprising fully demonstrated the strong will and heroic spirit of the Chinese Communist Party and the Chinese working class. Red political power is hard won, New China is hard won, and socialism with Chinese characteristics is hard won. We should remember the great achievements of the martyrs and inherit their legacy. He hopes that all teachers and party members can fully implement the fundamental task of cultivating people by virtue, persist in educating people for the party and cultivating talents for the country, and let the red genes and revolution be handed down from generation to generation. Then, under his leadership, all Party members read aloud in unison with a sonorous and powerful voice: "Learn history to understand reasons, learn history to enhance confidence, learn history to respect virtues and learn history to take action".

接着,全体党员干部沿着郁郁葱葱的林荫小道,来到广州起义领导人雕像纪念广场和刑场上婚礼雕像纪念广场,在革命先辈们的纪念碑和雕像跟前,向革命烈士致以崇高敬意,满怀敬意地聆听着英烈们的生平事迹。英烈们坚定的理想信念,面对威逼利诱坚贞不屈、视死如归的精神,深深地打动着在场的每一位党员干部。随后,全体党员干部还一同参观“奋斗百年路 启航新征程”展板、录制“红色微党课”宣讲小视频。Then, along the lush tree-lined path, all party members and cadres came to the Memorial Square of Guangzhou Uprising Leaders' Statues and the Memorial Square of Wedding Statues on the Execution Ground. They paid high respects to the revolutionary martyrs in front of the monuments and statues of the revolutionary ancestors and listened to the life stories of heroes with full respect. The heroic men's firm ideals and beliefs,the spirit of not surrendering to coercion, inducement, and despising death,(regarding death as going home) ,deeply touched every party member and cadre present. Later, all party members and cadres also visited the exhibition board of "Struggling for a Hundred Years and Sailing for a New Journey" and recorded a small video of "Red Micro-Party Class".

今年是建党100周年,通过此次缅怀革命先烈活动,教师党员干部在学习教育中深受洗礼,深刻理解了中国共产党人的初心使命,进一步坚定了理想信念,纷纷表示将充分发挥党员先锋模范带头作用,继承先辈遗志,发扬革命精神,厚植爱国主义情怀,在学习党史中汲取前进的力量,肩负起时代赋予的历史使命和责任担当,为增进人民福祉贡献自己的一份力量,以实际行动向党的百年华诞献礼。(图文/应用外语学院 张鹏)This year marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party. Through this commemoration of the revolutionary martyrs, teachers, party members and cadres were deeply baptized in study and education, deeply understood the initial mission of the Chinese Communists, further strengthened their ideals and beliefs, and all said that they would give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of party members. Inheriting the ancestors' legacy, carrying forward the revolutionary spirit, cultivating patriotism, drawing forward strength in studying party history, shouldering the historical mission and responsibility given by the times, contributing their own strength to improving people's well-being, and take practical actions to pay tribute to the 100th anniversary of founding of Communist Party of China. (Wen Zhang Peng)